Artisan Guitars and Guitar Products


Zachary Guitars Portfolio 1998 - 2014
(the first 16 yrs)

* to see all the Pics of each guitar, just click on the serial number of any guitar

Serial Numbers depict the completion date of each guitar

Click NEW WEBSITE for the continuation of the
Zachary Guitars Portfolio 2014 - Present


Please Note: All Zachary Guitars are hand made, meaning that every operation and tool is guided by the human hand.

No CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) programmed machinery is used here.

Each Zachary guitar is made by hand, one at a time by the same builder, Alex Csiky.

If you are looking for a CNC made guitar, you will have no problem finding it but not here.

Currently almost all guitars are made by robotics with as little human involvement as is possible, with ever-diminishing hand work.

CNC is not only utilized by large factories but also one man amateur shops and everything in between.

Such is the state of the guitar industry as it heads toward total trans-humansim.

My Creations and Innovations

Supernatural Human-Touch Tone-Optimizer   Overdrive + Boost pedal (no longer in production)

The TONE LUBE   guitar preamp pedal (no longer in production)

Guitar/Bass Z-Stand
the best guitar stand you will ever use

Zachary Optimum Gauges (Tensions)
- world's first and still only, correct Tension-Optimized Guitar and Bass string sets

Skank Amp - low-watt, high-gain, guitar amplifier (no longer in production)

Hussy Amp - vintage style, high-definition guitar amplifier (no longer in production)

Z-Picks - hand made, high-performance guitar picks


YouTube Channel 


 Additional Pages of Interest     Esquire Magazine finds Zachary Guitars
My Esquire page article
"Everything You Know About Guitars Is Wrong"

Video & Sound Files  

My Guitar Building Process and Philosophy

Features and Innovations

Products and Prices


Quick Start Guide

Owner's Manual

Flying With Your Zachary Guitar

ZachAttack Pickups

COMMENTS: what others have to say...

Shop Pics

Woods - pics of some woods I use

The First Z3 Guitar

The First Z2 Tremolo Guitar

  Film Photography


Comments from Zachary Guitar owners and fans

Alex has single handedly redefined what guitars ought to be!!! He's basically reinvented a number of the classic styles (Fenders and Gibsons) love that Z-Bird, and even the Dano), but what makes it all possible is his Passion for what he does!!! Frankly, my attitude is that if there's no passion, it's a waste of life!!! Alex is an original, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!! Love Y'all, Bobby Simcox

Just spent some time looking through your site, smiling at the words, and speechless at the photos. Just stunning. Congratulations on adding something worthwhile to the world.   Tony

Alex, I know what it means to be truly passionate and to give your all to something. You make the greatest electric guitars in the world. That is the end of the fucking story. With every guitar you make, you kill a hundred stinkin', fuckin' rats and thousand tone-dead, so-called, "guitars" deader than a doornail. Keep up the good work and enjoy your nasty self. Burn 'em, Alex; burn 'em all.
Ted Noiz

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
I am told Gandhi forgot the final thing... "Then they follow you"

Hi Alex,
A friend of mine has one of your guitars which he loves very much. He turned me on to your site. Taking a look I was surprized to see your Pier 1 guitar. I actually have that dining set that you mentioned as inspiration for that color. Do you still have that guitar (260201)?
Please send me a demo tape if you still have any.
I really like what you are doing. Don't let the bastards get you down.           -- Marc, Chicago, IL

Hey, I stumbled onto your sight a few days ago and must say I'm very impressed. It's refreshing to see a guitar builder who isn't trying to re-invent the Strat for the billionth time, and most of the few other guitar builders who actually try something different end up with some ridiculous results ( I won't mention any names). Oh well, I give them credit for trying. And I agree very much with your building philosophies. After looking in to some reviews and references, you got me pretty interested in a Z2.            - Sam

Artsruments,         Man, I am an artist, and conneseur of fine art work of sorts, and I seriously think that you should have some of these guitars in an art gallery... I really mean it man, these are beautiful instruments, and if I could afford it, I would buy one. It appears that one or three of these really were made by God! James A.

Finally A guitar maker with brains and balls,   AS

I set out on a quest a couple of years ago, to find the greatest guitars ever built upon the face of the earth, not knowing or caring that such a thing even existed. I found what I was looking for in Zachary Guitars. I think that if any honest person looks inside himself, he will find a giant Z tattooed on the front of his soul.

Put those major manufacturers over a barrel and introduce them to your Samurai headstock. Good luck and keep up the good work. Sincerely, Jay

Devotion to brand gives confidence to those without enough confidence to buy and use a guitar or amp that doesn't conform to what marketers say is the type to own. (form someone on a newsgroup)




- Bobby Simcox in action.


Bobby Simcox one of the unsung masters of the guitar, playing one of his Zachary Guitars.
Bobby demonstrates his formidable talent for playing the guitar but like me, totally lacks any skill in dancing with the Aliens.
Click on the pic above for more Bobby pics.

Pics of Bobby Simcox and Zachary Guitars in Action

Zachary Guitars

The first Z2    (I wonder where it is now)

Zachary Custom Handcrafted Electric Guitars

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Alex III with Mimi 240500

Copyright © 1996 ZACHARY HANDCRAFTED GUITARS™ All Rights Reserved.

Please note: This website was created in a world before Wordpress. Its a relic which survives from the 90s. You have just gone back to the days of plenty.